The data presented in the following files were sourced from the global heat flow database of the International Heat Flow Commission in 2010. The project PI and site and heat flow database administrator at that time was professor William Gosnold (University of North Dakota).
Please find all recent information and data of the IHFC global heat flow database at
Each of the .csv datasets available on the heat flow website were extracted, and converted to GIS-friendly formats: 1) “shapefiles” - which can be loaded into most any program that accepts shapefiles, 2) “layer packs” - which are files specific to ArcMap, and can be added to your open project by clicking on the file to extract the layer pack, and 3) KMZ files - which can be loaded into Google Earth, or other programs that accept KMZ format. Note that a “Global” heat flow point file is available in each format, which includes all data in the heat flow database, and secondly the heat flow data files are available for each geographic region reflected in the online heat flow database. Additionally, a metadata file (after Jessop, Hobart and Sclater, 1975) is included in each download file that explains data columns in the attribute tables. The files have been zipped for more efficient downloads.
This GIS publishing project was initiated and reviewed by the AAPG GIS Publications Committee, managed by AAPG Datapages, and the GIS capture and quality control was carried out by Cartographic Services (part of the Geography Department) at Oklahoma State University. Funding was provided by the AAPG Foundation and OSU Foundations in conjunction with the AAPG-OSU Geoscience Consortium.

KMZ Files
Layer Packages