Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Sponsors Search and Discovery through to 2017
AAPG Datapages gratefully acknowledges Anadarko Petroleum Corporation for its Five Year Sponsorship of the Search and Discovery program. Anadarko generously provided financial support at the level of $50,000 per year in the form of a sponsorship, given through the AAPG Foundation as part of its recent capital campaign.
The funds will be used to offset general overhead expenses associated with the production of the website content.
Search and Discovery website was launched in the late 1990s for the rapid publication of upstream information. As of December 31, 2013, there are more than 65,000 documents available for searching.
In the 12-month period ending December 31, 2014, Search and Discovery served close to 1 million documents to more than 1.5 million unique visitors. Specifically in the 2014 calendar year, Search and Discovery published 800+ full papers and 34 sets of meeting abstracts totaling more than 4,800 individual postings.
There are no subscription fees for website users and the website material is available to the public.