AAPG Datapages and the AAPG GIS Publications Committee wish to thank the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey (BTGS) and the AAPGF – OSU Geoscience GIS Consortium for allowing the Oil and Gas Fields and Pools of Pennsylvania: 1859 – 2011 to be listed on Datapages' GIS Open Files page.

- Oil and Gas Fields and Pools of Pennsylvania: 1859 – 2011
- Compiled by Kristin M. Carter1, Michael E. Moore1, John A. Harper2, Thomas G. Whitfield1, Brian J. Dunst1, Robin V. Anthony1, Katherine W. Schmid1, and April Chipman3
- 1Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Topographic & Geologic Survey
- 2Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Topographic & Geologic Survey (ret.)
- 3Oklahoma State University
These datasets depict the location and extent of oil and gas fields and pools across Pennsylvania, provide basic reservoir characterization data at the pool level (to the extent possible), and provide representative well-specific data to chronicle the evolution of the petroleum industry from the time of Drake’s well (Titusville, 1859) through the end of calendar year 2011. These datasets are intended for use in Geographic Information System (GIS) applications. The data can be used for spatial analysis and for preparation of cartographic displays.
This project could not have been accomplished without extensive collaboration between the AAPGF – OSU Geoscience GIS Consortium and the DCNR BTGS. The project included: (1) the georeferencing and digitizing of approximately 400 mylar sheets containing field and pool boundary locations associated with 7.5-minute topographic base maps; (2) merging this information with data contained in the Pennsylvania Internet Record Imaging System/Wells Information System (PA*IRIS/WIS) and legacy GIS data to bring field and pool attributes up-to-date as of December 2011; (3) and attributing/mapping well locations that are representative of the oil and gas production activity in Pennsylvania.

Staff and volunteers of the DCNR Bureau of Topographic & Geologic Survey, Pittsburgh, PA

Photograph of paired 7.5-minute topographic base map/mylar sheet

John Harper (BTGS, retired – left) and Kristin Carter (BTGS, Assistant State Geologist – right) hold base map/mylar pairs for historic well locations. Harper shows the Titusville South quadrangle, where the Drake well (completed on August 27, 1859) was located, and Carter holds the Midway quadrangle, where the Renz No. 1 (discovery well for the modern Marcellus shale gas play) is located.
Read more and view digital report OFOG 15-01.0 on the DCNR Bureau of Topographic & Geologic Survey website.
Suggested Citation:
Carter, K.M., Moore, M.E., Harper, J.A., Whitfield, T.G., Dunst, B.J., Anthony, R.V., Schmid, K.W., and Chipman, A., 2015, Oil and gas fields and pools of Pennsylvania: 1859 – 2011: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Open-File Report OFOG 15-01.0, 14 p., Portable Document Format (PDF), and associated File Geodatabase Feature Dataset.