AAPG Datapages and the AAPG GIS Publications Committee wish to thank the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, the AAPGF-OSU Geoscience GIS Consortium and the Boone Pickens Digital Geology Fund for allowing the Oil and Gas Well Information for Nevada—2011 Update to be listed on Datapages' GIS Open Files page.

- Oil and Gas Well Information for Nevada—2011 Update
- Compiled by Ronald H. Hess1, Martha A. Henson1, David A. Davis1,
- Samuel H. Limerick2, Siewe Siewe Siewe3, and Mary Niles3
- 1Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology; 2Consultant; 3Oklahoma State University
This compilation shows oil and gas well permits, completion reports, electric logs, mud logs, sundry reports, and production data housed at the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG). Also included in this compilation are most of the petroleum-related bulletins, reports, and maps produced by NBMG. This update includes all oil and gas well files that have been scanned by NBMG over the last five years, provided in a variety of formats.
This update includes a major scanning project recently completed by the AAPGF-OSU Geoscience GIS Consortium. The project included the scanning of all of the oil and gas well files not yet converted to electronic format, which includes more than half of all paper oil and gas well records housed at NBMG.

As part of the Consortium's involvement, two students from Oklahoma State University Cartography Services traveled to Reno, Nevada, for the summer of 2011. Siewe Siewe Siewe and Mary Niles worked with NBMG staff to complete the project. While this project not only assisted the NBMG with an important task, it provided invaluable experience for these students.
I like being able to combine my geology background with my geography skills to produce projects using GIS...The Consortium is giving me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of GIS which will be an invaluable asset in my future career in the petroleum industry. – Mary Niles, OSU Geology/Geography Major
Read more and view the report on the NBMG website.

Suggested Citation:
Hess, R.H., Henson, M.A., Davis, D.A., Limerick, S.H., Siewe, S.S., and Niles, M., 2011, Oil and gas well information for Nevada - 2011 update: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 11-6, portable hard drive, 105 GB.