AAPG Datapages and the GIS Publications Committee wish to thank Janet Pitman and the United States Geological Survey for allowing the Reservoirs and Petroleum Systems of the Gulf Coast map to be posted on Datapages' GIS Open Files page, thereby making it available to the public as a free download.
This GIS product was designed to provide a quick look at the ages and products (oil or gas) of major reservoir intervals with respect to the different petroleum systems that have been identified in the Gulf Coast Region. The three major petroleum source-rock systems are the Tertiary (Paleocene-Eocene) Wilcox Formation, Cretaceous (Turonian) Eagle Ford Formation, and Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover Formation. The ages of the reservoir units extend from Jurassic to Pleistocene. By combining various GIS layers, the user can gain insights into the maximum extent of each petroleum system and the pathways for petroleum migration from the source rocks to traps. Interpretations based on these data should improve development of exploration models for this petroleum-rich province.
This product contains GIS layer files of maps, figures, and data for the Gulf Coast Region and is recommended for independent petroleum geologists and others interested in exploration in the Gulf Coast. Using ESRI ArcReader software, the user has the ability to view and download multiple data files at different scales. Data types include:
- surface geology
- salt features
- basins and uplifts
- volcanic provinces
- faults and fault zones
- reservoir ages and products
- generalized structure and isopach maps
- source-rock lithologies and environments
- regional geopressure
- oil-source petroleum systems
Please note: This map originally required ESRI ArcReader 10 software, which is no longer available. (The Data files can be added into ArcMap.)
Click here to download the map.